Welcome to Lewinox's weekly pug We clear BWL+MC every week under 2 hours combined. Start 19:00 - finish before 21:00 with both raids.
How to sign up for our raids: Post your logs in gear-check. If you're a fit for our raid you will get raider rank and can then sign up for our weekly raid. We're not only checking for pure DPS/HPS or gear. We're also checking for ability usage/casts/uptimes.
We're all about pushing speedclears while keeping even class distribution and not having too many requirements to join. Simply Worldbuffs, enchanted gear and consumes mandatory for every raid.
Performance will decide who will be prioritized for the raids.
Requirements for our raids
Post logs in #gear-check on discord for gearcheck :) https://discord.gg/ZshdaC8
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